Theevaluation of the German science system has also become increasinglyinternational since 2008. International science is represented on the permanentadvisory boards of the institutes of research organisations as well as on thecommissions for institutional and programme evaluation. Theshare of gender-balanced research evaluation panels amongst responding researchfunding organisations in CZ is lower than the EU average. Withinthe ERA-compliant cluster in the Czech Republic, the share of gender-balancedrecruitment committees for leading researchers in research performingorganisations is lower than that within the EU’s ERA-compliant cometcoin cluster. TheCzech Republic has set up some awards, fellowships and/or other similarmechanisms to specifically support female researchers.
CometCoin (CMT) to INR Converter/Calculator
- For several years,Estonia has used the European Structural Funds for the development of EstonianR&D infrastructure.
- Regardinge-infrastructures, the national joint programme called RECOLECTA provides afree open access platform and support to Spanish repositories so that theycomply with international standards of interoperability and sustainability.
- TheDeutsche Forschungsnetz (DFN) is the German National Research and EducationNetwork (NREN), a specialised Internet service provider dedicated to supportingthe needs of the research and education communities within the country andessential to make digital services possible.
- Theshare of research funders in Denmark who responded to the survey and supportOpen Access to publications is higher than the EU average.
- Theshare of research funders in Estonia who responded to the survey and can basetheir project-based research and development funding decisions on peer reviewscarried out by non-national institutions is higher than the EU average.
- TheNational Evaluation and Accreditation Agency has introduced criteria compatiblewith the European standards, as norms expressed about desired practices,developed and applied for the institutional and programme accreditation,evaluation of the projects for opening or transforming HEIs.
- The company receives asubsidy to cover approximately half the student’s salary, and the enrollinguniversity receives a subsidy to cover tuition fees.
The percentage of non-EUdoctoral candidates as a percentage of all doctoral candidates was 8.6 % inAustria compared with 16.9 % among the Innovation Union reference group and anEU average of 24.2 %. Amongthe research infrastructures coordinated by Austria, access to five of them hasbeen funded by the European Commission. By exchanging CMT against fiat currencies (such as the U.S. dollar or Japanese yen) or using them as payment for goods and services, Comet can be earned or received in various ways.
Internationalpeer-review principles are not mentioned as such, but results from theimplementation of the guidelines by both agencies. Project selection criteria andprocedures adhere to principles of excellence, impartiality, transparency,appropriateness for purpose, efficiency and speed, confidentiality, and ethicaland integrity considerations. The FFG applies specifically-tailored evaluationcriteria, according to the needs of the programme. The FFG-law stipulates thatall FFG-funding decisions have to be taken upon the principles of transparency,impartiality, and fairness. Regardinge-infrastructures, the national joint programme called RECOLECTA provides afree open access platform and support to Spanish repositories so that theycomply with international standards of interoperability and sustainability.
The evaluators are scientists selected eitherfrom an official registry or the ‘Web of Science’. All non-block funding isdistributed via calls for proposals from the GSRT and all these calls arecompetitive and evaluated by national and international experts. Thecore principles of international peer review are applied by all researchfunding institutions in Greece. These principles are excellence, impartiality,transparency, appropriateness for purpose, efficiency and speed.
It encompasses allactivities the European institutions and MS jointly conduct on theinternational floor and with Third Countries. The coalition agreement of thefederal election 2013 stated that the German Government will takeresponsibility for the completion of the ERA and consequently implement its ERAstrategy on a national and European level. This also implies for the FederalGovernment to enhance its S&T cooperation with Third Countries as integralpart of its national ERA strategy. In order to actively shape and strengthenthe international dimension, Germany uses the whole European governancestructure on a national and European level and takes its role seriously. Theshare of responding funders’ research and development budget in Germanydedicated to jointly defined research agendas with other EU organisations islower than the EU average. Evaluationsof public research institutions are carried out on a more or less regularbasis, for example by the WR.
How does the CometCoin coin work?
- It requiresresearchers to publish in open access; both the green and gold open accessmodels are supported.
- Theshare of research funders in Estonia who responded to the survey and supportOpen Access to data is higher than the EU average.
- The Sciex Programme with Switzerland and other bilateral researchprogrammes support researchers’ outbound mobility and foster knowledgetransfer.
- Institutional research funding enables R&D institutionsto fund high-level R&D activities and to modernise and maintain thenecessary infrastructure.
- The researchorganisations report on the progress was made as part of the annual monitoringexercise under the Pact.
Three Danish universities have policiesand other universities are engaging in on-going work regarding OA. Furthermore,in recent years it has been a requirement that researchers receiving grantsfrom the Danish Research Council for Independent Research, must hand over theirdatasets to the Danish National Archives, which in turn have a an onlineplatform for re-using researcher data and an advisory service to facilitatereuse of data. Furthermore, all researcher datasets generated through StatisticsDenmark are accessible online through Statistics Denmark after a waitingperiod. Interms of support to open access, the Federal Government has initiated a numberof activities to promote open access such as a dialogue between science organisationsand scientific publishing companies. The Federal Government has recentlyincorporated a secondary publication right in the German copyright act in orderto to strengthen open access. Scientists and researchers now have the legalright to self-archive their publications in the authors version in the Internet12 month after the first publication.
What is the CometCoin Market Cap today?
In2012, 55 % of university-based researchers were satisfied with the extent towhich research job vacancies are publicly advertised and made known by theirinstitution (More2 survey, 2012). Additionally,the Commission for Development Research (KEF) at the Austrian Agency forInternational Cooperation in Education and Research (OeAD) supports numerousresearch partnerships between Austrian researchers and researchers fromdeveloping countries as well as participating in the EU-funded ERAfricaProject. Austriahas concluded several intergovernmental bilateral science and technology(S&T) agreements as well as Memoranda of Understanding on S&Tcooperation including Argentina, China, India, the Republic of Korea,Vietnam,the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Inrecent months, Austria established an ERA Observatory to bundle strategicinformation, advice and coordination under a common roof.
InFlanders, the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) calls on internationalexperts to evaluate all applications, both fellowships and projects. Theseprocedures are based on the European Science Foundation’s (ESF) European PeerReview Guide. Applicants provide a list of ten possible referees out of whichthe FWO randomly contacts referees until at least two international peer reviewreports are available. Specific regulations on External Peer Reviews are inplace to make sure that there is no conflict of interest between the applicantand the referee.
Denmarkhas developed specific strategies for Brazil, Russia, India and China(BRIC-countries) to improve trade and investment, in fields such as climate andenergy, welfare, architecture, research, education and food. Denmark hasestablished innovation centres in hotspots around the world and as part of itsnational Innovation Strategy. To complement its already existing innovationcenters in Shanghai, Silicon Valley and Munich, Denmark opened three newinnovation centres in New Delhi, Bangalore, Seoul and Sao Paulo in 2013. Atotal of 127 research performing organisations in Germany answered the 2014 ERAsurvey, which represents 22.8% of the total number of researchers in thecountry (total number of researchers in the country as of 2011).
Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Spain, the share of research performingorganisations having dedicated staff employed in knowledge transfer activitiesis lower than within the EU ERA compliant cluster. Regardingopen access to publications, the Law of Science, Technology and Innovation(LCTI) (2011) indicates that publicly-funded research publications have to bemade publicly available after, at the latest, an embargo period of 12 months.These publications have to be included in an open access repository. Also,universities and public research organisations should promote the developmentof open access institutional repositories. Theshare of research funders in Spain who responded to the survey and supportnational policies on gender equality in public research is lower than the EUaverage.