The cometcoin R&D funding available, according tolaw, is 10% of the total state subsidy, available for each university (in spiteof some fluctuations in practice). Similar is the situation in BAS, where fundsare allocated by the General assembly, upon approval from the Board oftrustees. The allocation of the state subsidy among the 42 BAS institutes isbased on recent research performance and results of international evaluation.However, institutional funding is seldomly allocated based on an institutionalassessment.
Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Spain, the share of research performingorganisations making available online and free of charge publicly-fundedscientific research data systematically is lower than within the EU ERAcompliant cluster. Thereare some regional regulations (e.g. Asturias, Madrid and Catalonia) thatpromote open access to peer-reviewed scientific publications at regional level. Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Spain, the share of gender-balanced recruitmentcommittees for leading researchers in research performing organisations ishigher than within the EU ERA compliant cluster. Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Spain, the share of research performingorganisations implementing recruitment and promotion policies for femaleresearchers is lower than within the EU ERA compliant cluster.
- Interms of R&Dfunding, the Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays forResearch and Development (GBAORD) in Bulgaria represented EUR 14 per inhabitantin 2012, less than 10% of the EU28 average (EUR 179).
- According to the Organisation ofResearch and Development Act, §9 and University Act, §34, all regular teachingand research positions in R&D institutions have to be filled by publiccompetition.
- According to its website, the agency has signed mutual recognitionagreements with several international agencies, such as the ones from Austria,France, The Netherlands, Flanders, Poland, and Costa Rica.
- In 2012, total GBAORD corresponded to 2 % of total governmentexpenditures and 0.9 % of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Eurostat).
- Proposals from consortia of Flemish researchers were evaluated in2012 within the context of a general assessment of a potential participation ofFlanders at the construction and exploitation of the INSTRUCT, EMBRC, ANAEE enDARIAH projects.
- In2012, 45 % of university-based researchers were satisfied with the extent towhich research job vacancies are publicly advertised and made known by theirinstitution (More2 survey, 2012).
For the last decade the Ministryof Higher Education and Science has also provided funding and an organisationalstructure for handling High Performance Computing (HPC) and Grid computing andother e-science matters. In recent years, the NREN and the HPC organisationshave been merged into the Danish E-infrastructure Collaboration – DEIC – therebycreating one single governing board handling all e-infrastructure issues ofnational relevance. Inrelation to open innovation and knowledge transfer between public and privatesectors, regulatory policies exist to support knowledge transfer between publicresearch institutions and industry, the establishment of research-basedenterprises and cooperation between public research institutions, associationsand foundations. Thecountry has provisions for a balanced participation of women and men inresearch programmes and/or projects.
CometCoin (CMT) to INR Converter/Calculator
Manyuniversities have recently established so-called Graduate Academies or ResearchSchools that encompass university-wide structures to train doctoral candidates(sometimes in close cooperation with research organisations), sometimesincluding offers for MA students and/or post doctorates). They offerand coordinate various programmes for this target group, provide networkingpossibilities and ensure good standards in training and supervision. In theG8 Research Councils Initiative on Multilateral Research and the ORA/ORA plus,proposals go through a joint respectively coordinated evaluation process by theparticipating funding organisations. Besides, there are joint callsand evaluations by research performing organisations (RPOs) with foreignpartners, e.g.
Funding of common actions and alignmentof national programmes to the SRAs are under development. Inthe 2014 National Reform Programme, the Czech Government mentions that it willstart preparing a new methodology for evaluating programmes that targetedsupport of research, development and innovation, including ex ante, interim andex post stages, which should be finalised by the end of 2014. Indeed, the shares of‘weighted’ organisations are 8.0 % for the ‘ERA compliant’ cluster, 90.2 % forthe ‘ERA limited compliant’ cluster and 1.8 % for those organisations where ERAprinciples are not applicable. Inrelation with the implementation of the Digital ERA, Cyprus has set up astrategy for its implementation. The country has implemented a research andeducation network, essential to make digital services possible. Withinthe ERA compliant cluster in Cyprus, the share of research performingorganisations making available on-line and free of charge publicly-fundedscientific research data systematically is lower than within the EU ERAcompliant cluster.
In severaluniversities, the majority of board members are external members and some ofthem come from the private sector. TheCzech Government has not put in place any measures to increase the number ofstudents taking science to a doctoral level. Moreover, national statisticaldata and recent reports from the Institute for Information on Education (ÚIV)and the Research, Development and Innovation Council state that – one third ofdoctoral graduates in the Czech Republic go into a science and technologycareer.
A number of RI investments supporting participation in internationalresearch infrastructures have been made from the Programme for theInternationalisation of Science. Annualbaseline funding is allocated for strategic goals, co-financing foreign anddomestic projects, opening up new research directions, etc. Since 2013,’Support to maintenance of R&D infrastructures’ has been included toinstitutional funding, entirely in the form of overhead expenses. Itshould also be noticed that the 2014 Country Specific Recommendation (CSR) forEstonia invites to ‘Further intensify prioritisation and specialisation in theresearch and innovation systems and enhance cooperation between businesses,higher education and research institutions to contribute to internationalcompetitiveness’.
Funding is providedfor research stays from 3 to 24 months, including a research fellowship, travelallowance, family allowance and a re-integration grant. In2012, 62 % of university-based researchers were satisfied with the extent towhich research job vacancies are publicly advertised and made known by theirinstitution (More2 survey, 2012). Theresearch organisations HGF, MPG, WGL and DFG and the German Council of Scienceand Humanities contributed to the FP7-funded project ‘MERIL, Mapping of theEuropean Research Infrastructure Landscape’. The MERIL database, which is underconstruction, currently lists 119 national RIs that offer transnational accessand are therefore relevant for the ERA. Interms of access to RIs, the ‘Research in Germany’ portal provides an overviewof research and research funding opportunities in Germany, including RI. Accessto RI is commonly possible for any researcher working at the correspondingPublic Reserach Organisations (PROs) (which is operating the RI) or at anotherresearch centre which has a corresponding collaboration agreement, i.e. it isneither generally limited to researchers of German origin nor to Germanresearch organisations.
Theshare of research funders in Denmark who responded to the survey and supportOpen Access to data is higher than the EU average. An Open Access Committee was appointedunder the steering committee for Denmark’s Electronic Research Library (DEFF).In March 2011 the Open Access Committee published recommendations forimplementing of open access in Denmark (Danish Agency for Libraries and Media,2011). Based on the recommendations, the Danish Government adopted a policy onopen access to research articles in June 2014.
- The Research Council law allows thenational research councils to allocate up to 20 % of their funds tointernational initiatives.
- Theshare of gender-balanced research evaluation panels amongst responding researchfunding organisations in Germany is lower than the EU average.
- Theshare of gender-balanced research evaluation panels amongst responding researchfunding organisations in Denmark is lower than the EU average.
- Among these areMemorandums of Understanding on research and innovation with countries such asTurkey and South Korea.
- The company hires the Industrial PhD for thethree-year duration of the project as a full-time employee on ordinary termsfor salaried employees.
- Moreover, public-privateknowledge transfer is ensured by the involvement of representatives from theprivate sector in the governance of higher education institutions.
Rate of CometCoin : 0.37 INR
Theshare of research funders in Austria who responded to the survey and supportopen access to publications is higher than the EU average. Theshare of research funders in Austria who responded to the survey and supportinstitutional assessment for the allocation of institutional funding is lowerthan the EU average. Theshare of research funders in Austria who responded to the survey and supportproject-based funding is lower than the EU average. Themain funding agencies are the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the AustrianResearch Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Austria Business Service (AWS).
One of the prioritiesof the High-Tech Strategy is to improve cooperation between science andindustry so that scientific knowledge can be transferred more quickly andapplied on a commercial scale more efficiently. Since2009, objectives to attain gender balance in leadership positions and decision-makingbodies in public research organisations and higher education institutions weregradually put in place by the University Act. Concerning gender balance indecision making, the country has set up a female quota for the participation ofunder-represented sex in decision-making bodies of Research PerformingOrganisations. The 2009 amendment of the Universities Act stipulates a womenquota of 40 % in university committees and boards. Gender specific measures areincluded in the performance agreements with universities (for example the 40 %mandatory representation of women).